About the coaches.....

Coach Ravi
Coach Ravi is a vegetarian and animal activist. He has the most gentle soul and beautiful smile.
He is certified in the National Registry of Coaches (NROC) and a Swim Safer Assessor.  I have worked with Ravi for over 10 years. He is reliable and has never let me down.

Coach Sarah

Coach Sarah is a baby toddler teacher. She is from Wales and has two small children of her own. She is a model and rides a motorbike.

Coach Guan Ki

Coach Guankai is certified in the Singapore National Registry of Coaches (NROC) and a Singapore Life Saving Coach.
In his free time, he puts cars together ... Yes, real cars. He loves all food but beef.

Coach Zulkefi Ramli

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Coach Phil Chamberlain

Coach Aine